Claiming on insurance with Somerset Smart Repair
At Somerset Smart Repair, we understand that the cost of body work and paint repairs can sometimes seem daunting. Whilst you may be prepared to invest personally in repairs to your vehicle, from time to time, this just may not be feasible for you or even cost effective, especially if it is a non fault claim and the damage has occurred due to another drivers actions. No matter how small the damage caused to your car, or the way in which it occurred, you always have the option to claim.
We also understand, that insured drivers are sometimes reluctant to claim on their insurance policy, a decision we believe is more often than not, based on fear that their next policy will increase dramatically, or that they could lose their no claims bonus, or even that just the process of a claim in itself is off putting due to the unnecessary pressure placed on policy holders by their insurance provider to use the insurers repairer of choice.
Please take the time to read the following information, that hopefully, will put your mind at ease, and help you see the benefits of choosing an independent repairer such as Somerset Smart Repair to undertake the body and paint repairs to your vehicle.
By Law you can choose who repairs your vehicle.
Independent repairers generally do not offer insurance companies a reduced labour rate, meaning that their repair work is not rushed in order to make a margin like “insurance approved” body shops do.
“Insurance approved” basically means, save as much labour time and save as much money on materials as possible. (To benefit the insurer)
The cost of paying for repairs out of your own pocket, will ALWAYS far outweigh any slight increase in your next policy. We all have to pay insurance, this is why we have it, so we may as well use it for what it is designed for.
On average, the following policy increase is around 20%, put simply, based on the AVERAGE experienced driver policy amount of £485 (source Association of British Insurers) this increase would equate to less that £10 a month. Which is significantly less than any repairs to your car would cost upfront. Remember if your policy amount is already below the average amount, any increase would be even less noticeable.
By having your repairs fixed through insurance, the cost of any additional parts or materials are also covered, but more importantly, it means that we (the repairer) have everything available to us, meaning that no aspect of your repair is over looked. For example, if you decide to pay for repairs yourself, you may only have a fixed budget, this would likely compromise the amount of time, or quality of parts and materials that can be used on your car.
Our Claims process explained
Arrange a suitable time for us to view your car, either at our premises or at a location suitable to you, either at home or place of work. Once viewed, We will get straight to work on creating your insurance estimate.
Call your insurer and request Somerset Smart Repair as your preferred repairer of choice.
Request and make a note of, your CLAIM REFERENCE NUMBER. We will need this once your estimate has been created.
We will then send our estimate to your insurer for approval and authorisation of repairs.
As soon as we receive approval we book your car/van/vehicle in at a time convenient for you.
It’s that easy! We aim to be as efficient as possible during this process, so we can then concentrate on getting your vehicle back to it’s pre damage condition.
If you have any general questions regarding your rights when claiming on your car insurance, or if you are in need of any advice in this area, please do drop us a line, we are more than happy to help, and share with you some valuable consumer resources and information.

DAMS Claim Management
Somerset Smart Repair is proud to work along side DAMS. (Direct Accident Management Ltd)
DAMS is one of the largest accident management companies. Their sole aim is to support victims of non-fault traffic accidents and to continually support the U.K. motor industry. (Find DAMS on Trust pilot)
If/when you are a victim of non-fault damage to your vehicle, the service provided by DAMS will take away any stress and ensure that
You pay NO excess
Have a hire car delivered to your home/work
Receive full claim management, recovering maximum compensation/reimbursement
DAMS have an extensive fleet including motorbikes, cars, commercials, prestige and more.
DAMS cater for all ages even for those under 21 years of age!
Together with DAMS, we ensure that your car is repaired to the highest quality of work and repairs.
Don’t let an insurance company stipulate where your car is repaired, this allows them to have full control usually authorising a repair to minimal standard/rate.
Give us a call or pop in to Somerset Smart Repair to start the process of a hassle free non fault insurance claim.
Let DAMS and Somerset Smart Repair manage your claim today!